I have been long on GDSM and slightly frustrated and did the emailtheceo and I had a quick response. With Weedstock this weekend, perhaps we will see some movement. I believe in the company and believe Mr. Shea is trying to move the company forward. Like that going to "build share price the old fashioned way, via profits."
To: Michael Shea
Subject: Re: Question
On Jun 26, 2014, at 15:58, "Michael Shea" wrote:
Shane, normally a pinksheet would do promos to get the stock moving, but that is exactly what the SEC is looking for. Also, if you look at the ones suspended probably half have been fully reporting companies with audited fins.
We are clean and I will keep it that way. We will build share price the old fashioned way, via profits.
From: Shane
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:02 PM
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:02 PM

To: Michael Shea
Subject: Re: Question
Thank you I think you have done so much for my confidence.
On Jun 26, 2014, at 15:58, "Michael Shea" wrote:
Sure, post it wherever you want.From: Shane
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:55 PM
To: Michael Shea
Subject: Re: QuestionOne more question could I post your response on my blog?
On Jun 26, 2014, at 15:34, Shane wrote:Thanks for your response and good luck and helps. I believe in what your doing. Also like no false PRs to get shutdown by the SEC.On Jun 26, 2014, at 15:03, "Michael Shea" wrote:Shane, thanks for your email, let me do my best to answer.1. The audit - Since the webcast, the auditor advised me that he would onlydo 2012 and 2013 instead of 2011 and 2012. That's fine, but requiredproviding another year's worth of information. The delay is purely a fact ofinformation integrity. Prior to me becoming CEO, this Company did not evenhave a bank account, payments were made to vendors by 3rd parties and norecords were kept. The CFO contract expired unrenewed at year end 2013 andquite frankly, her records were of poor quality. On top of it, relationswith prior management and their extended family is not amicable and tryingto reconcile accounts with their assistance has been extremely hard. Lastly,given the limited capital resources, we chose an auditor that was extremelycost effective, but not very responsive. Frankly, if I had known what I knownow, I would have never committed to having audited financial statements.Having said that, I have provided as much information as I can find in hopesof meeting audit standards.2. Despite the above, I am proud of what the company has accomplished overthe last few months. MJ-Xchange, MJ-Merchant and the 420 Concept. Weactually have generated revenue, albeit nominal, but for the first time wehave real and saleable products. A pinksheet, with a credible business plan,executing and generating revenue certainly deserves more than trip 5.3. I am as disappointed as everyone else with the share price. I look aroundat other pink's still just pushing a concept, no product, tradingsubstantially higher than GDSM. In particular, even within the mj sector,stocks trading higher despite many failures and some suspended. It isobvious to me that GDSM needs a resurgence of new shareholders. I am hopingthat our attendance at Weedstock will significantly raise awareness. As Itweeted out today, our booth is right next to Weedmaps and that alone shoulddrive more eyes on our Company.4. On Scottrrade, they stopped trading our stock due what they say are"illiquid stock fees". It has to do with their capital reserves on pennystock and the decision was made at the time we were trading hundreds ofmillions of shares a day. This is link that explains what these fees aremy legal write them, but have had no response.5. In regards to trading, I don't watch it as it is something I can'tcontrol and have been quite busy with all the above. All I can is thelimited dilution and in fact am personally funding the company rather thanissuing shares given the level of the share price. It is for that matter,that I discontinued the use of E&E as our IR firm. The expenses for theproduct development on top of the Investor Conference have put a majorstrain on our finances. I tried them, as many complained my pr's were not"pumping" enough. The fact is, I state things as I see them, both good andbad. Many CEO's would never pr anything bad, obviously we have stumbled inthe past and shareholders deserve to know what is going on.In conclusion, we have made a lot of strides, but have a long way to go.Some of the above may sound like whining or making excuses, just theopposite, given the straight story of what is going on. The Company is meand a handful of helpful shareholders and we are now positioned for success.Hope that answers your questions.Regards,Mike-----Original Message-----From: ShaneSent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 3:06 PMSubject: QuestionMr. SheaI listened to your webcast a few months back and it sounded to me you werean honest and forthright CEO.Since than you have been saying financials are coming and now it is by endof month, I hope so since it might give a shot in the arm to the price. Ifit gets pushed out further I will sell, since I do not need broken promises.Any update on the Scotttrade issue?Any reason you can see why there seems to be an unlimited 32m shares alwaysavailable not at the open but by 1200 Eastern everyday at .0005? Somethingjust does not seem right with this trading pattern.I know you hired the PR firm, but have not seen any PRs that I could nothave put out myself.Today we are down to .0004 it seems to this endless supply of shares andwhen we move to .0006 then there is 50-70% shorting on the stock, it appearsthere is huge manipulation.Thanks for your time and good luck, still believe in the company, butgetting slightly frustrated.VRShane =