Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thoughts on AEGY

This is how the press release started today.

Dear Shareholders:

We are pleased to update our shareholders that the letter of intent referenced in our last press releases concerning the impending merger with a company listed on a Canadian Stock Exchange has now been signed, and we are preparing a definitive long form acquisition agreement.


Is this just another PR from a desparate company trying to get your dollars?

If you read the PR it states a Canadian Exchange, what exchange?  What company?  This seems like the plea from a company trying to go to no bid.  

What happened to the SKTO merger?  What happened to Pharmajames making sales?  They reported zero revenues.  They paid consulting fees to Hipple's firm who was restricted from doing business in securities.

Just another PR without any details.

If any of this is true you can ride it later for a profit, but don't catch a falling knife.

All my humble opinion.