Thursday, May 8, 2014


I am starting to get frustrated with AEGY.  I had been reading both sides of the blogs on the company and I thought the merger with SKTO would be great and this company would do something, but since the merger announcement all it has done is continue its slide from .008 to .0022 today.  The volume is drying up, and the price dropping everyday.

What has management done to stop the slide, absolutely nothing.

I have read how responsive management is to answering an email, and I send one to Jeff Benz and no reply. I have started to have doubts on how good everything is, and I emailed Jeff since Ronald Reagan said it best is to "Trust but Verify."  They are losing my trust quickly.  IBM would not let their share price decline more than 80% without a comment.

On their website they will show products that have sold out, but that could be one unit of the product or 1,000 units.

It will be interested to see what they report on Monday and if they report any financials.  If there is not any word on Monday or they are late, I am going to cut my losses with AEGY.  I could be very wrong, since they could be selling product and the new corporation is in Colorado where perhaps they are going to expand.  It would just be nice if they were not so silent on what is going on.

They also tend to release any PRs after the market close or on Fridays after market close, that does not do much to sit all weekend.

Come on AEGY and lets get this moving north.