Saturday, May 10, 2014


This is the email I sent to Mr Benz and never got a response:

I am holding 2.1 million of AEGY and getting very frustrated.  All I see is it going down everyday.  I wished I had sold when it was .008, but I believed in what the company was doing, so now I have a loss.  All we have gotten there was going to be a merger and we get Doug every week.  It would be nice to get an update if the merger is still happening, if financials are coming out, anything or was that just a scam to steal our money and a way for AEGY to see shares. Lots of frustrated people that believe in the company.

Maybe on Monday when financials are due we might get an answer.  I am thinking the gmail account for Jeff was a scam that someone set up.

I believed in this company but not so sure anymore, Monday may be telling when the financials are due, if they miss this and no word, I think this is and was the perfect scam.  How hard is it for the company to give an update and I do not believe anyone here that said they got a reply.  Thinking back all anyone posted was they got a reply we are moving forward, they could be moving forward on screwing me out of money and not the merger.  We are dealing with lawyers and since they do not want to put a PR out on where we stand on anything I have serious doubts.  Shame on me for believing this BS.

I can read that another product is sold out, but I could do this if I had a had a product and only had one, I could be sold out all of the time.

I am seriously thinking we have not gotten any PRs is the SEC could use that against the company, but an email from an unverified account does not matter, since the lawyers can argue no one in the management team said it.

I hope next week everything works out, but I have my doubts.  I